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  1. #1
    Join Date
    16th November 11
    Massachusetts, USA
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    R'lyeh Sett round 2?

    The R'lyeh cloth that recently came up for sale reminded me that it's been a while since there was any chatter on this front. Unless I've missed a thread somewhere, it's been a while since there was any discussion/informal polling about the possibility of another run of the R'lyeh (Cthuhlu/Lovecraft) sett; There was a discussion last year in which Artificer posted mockups of the tartan in modern and reproduction colorways which seemed to generate a fair amount of interest and discussion, but that's about it -- unless I've missed something, in which case can somebody please point me to the relevant discussion(s)?

    Is this still something that may happen? I know D.C. Dalgliesh now charges a set-up fee, but if spread across a number of meters of cloth that shouldn't necessarily be a *huge* factor.
    Last edited by usonian; 14th January 13 at 06:32 AM.


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