My old thread about the Isle of Arran tartan is now locked, but I just discovered something about them that I missed the first time around.
These three STA designs are obviously related. Evidently the top one (381) was the first, then the pairs of grey lines were changed to green to create the second (4088), then the grey portion was removed to create the third (3018)... so we went from a tartan with quite a bit of grey to a tartan with none!
But when I checked the STA site I noticed that the computer-generated fabric sample was rather different from the colour strip. For one thing the colour strip shows four green lines in the middle of the purple ground. I did this mockup to show how it would look woven, but changing green back to the evidently original grey
Not only that, but the colour strip shows not two red/black areas, but four! Seperated by a black band. I tried to create that but the design was so large that you couldn't see the entire thing.
Here is the STA site. Note carefully the colour strip, the lines in the purple ground, and the extended red/black portion
So it's interesting to see the considerable reduction in design between the colour strip and all the various versions I've found online.