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  1. #21
    Join Date
    19th May 08
    Oceanside CA
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warpfactorx View Post
    LOL Hijack away, I don't mind at all..

    You know, I just realized your in Cali.. Do you hit up alot of the Scottish festivals/events around here?? We're just now figuring out where they are and making plans to hopefully go Might hit up the Queen Mary event next month if I get a new car before then.. lol
    Our favorite SoCal games are the "San Diego" games actually held in Vista. June 22-23 this year -- lovely venue if a bit smaller than the others I'll list.

    Costa Mesa is a huge event held at county fairgrounds -- not a lot of grassy areas, mostly pavement and buildings, but more clan tents, vendors, etc than Vista. May 25-26

    If you stretch your definition, Ventura is another really fun event. We ride the Amtrak train rather than make the long drive. Oct 11-13 (just evening events on the Friday)

    As for a quasi-Burns night, our clan puts on a fabulously fun Scotsman's Ball on March 2 this year.

    We've been to Queen Mary and didn't care for it, but I see from last year's pictures that they have made changes to the event that might lure us back if my business travel doesn't interfere.

    Hope to meet up with you at one or more of these!
    Sydnie and Bob
    Last edited by sydnie7; 31st January 13 at 08:58 AM.
    Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].


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