Unacceptable for who? When? Where? Why?

The question is: do you like it, and do you want to? If so, then yes, it's perfectly acceptable. If you don't, then the unacceptability lies in not following the rule about "to thine own self be true" (as out of context as that quote is colloquially used).

I am trying to think of a reason it might not be appropriate to wear with a kilt. I suppose if you're trying to go for a very traditional, old-fashioned look, then no, but in that case you also might want to look at your hairstyle, any other jewelry/accessories you may be wearing, etc.

People don't get body mods to be "followers" any more than they wear jeans or shoes to be "followers" (well, maybe the shoes bit. Folks tend to frown on not wearing them). I have piercings and tattoos because I like them-- the same reason I wear a kilt, long hair, eyeliner, nifty socks, nail polish, t-shirts, what have you. Anyone who doesn't like it can bite me; it's not for anyone but me and I'm not here to decorate anyone's world. If I don't need to dress a certain way for a specific occasion or place, I dress however the hell I want. Sometimes I look like everyone else, sometimes I look vastly different. Either way, I'm wearing what I want, when I want to, and I really don't care what someone else thinks.