Look fellow, it's okay. You will look different from those who don't have such body modifications. They'll look different from you. If you're polite to everyone present, solicitous of your friends, keep a big smile, say little, listen much... then you're a gentleman and anyone who doesn't appreciate you is foolish.

It's how you treat others that is the measure of your life, not the decisions you've made about yourself. Shake hands firmly with the gentlemen and look them in the eye with a smile. Listen and defer to the ladies, and smile gently at them. Ask others how they're doing, and don't go on about yourself.

If you can do those things, then you're an ace. Anyone who doesn't recognize it is not deserving of your time.

Now, if you act like a jackass... then who cares whether or not you have piercings or tattoos? If you act like a jackass, then you are one.

There it is!

Now smile, put your right hand out in front of you, and go for it!