While putting together mu formal outfit I initially dismissed a formal sporran. How many times would I really wear it I thought?
I subsequently laid out the L&M day sporran and decided that ain't gonna cut it.
Then began a search for dress sporrans, most of which I disliked. Too many fur sporrans are too bushy, horse hairs too long, and I can't get past the eyes on a full mask. I'm also too cheap to pay for silver and dislike chrome intensely.

I finally focussed in on L&M - pretty much universally well regarded and then saw my prey. A badger fur non-mask with a pewter cantle.
Licensed to Kilt showed by far the best prices on these and were based in SE PA, so even though unarmed by any reviews here, I thought I'd give em a go.
Now, all places with L&M offerings show a 3-4 week window and I needed it within 2 weeks. I emailed Drew at LtK on the weekend and he contacted L&M to confirm we could get this done.
Bottom line, ordered Monday, received Friday (well I would have if the Post Office had left it on the step. Requires signature so I got this morning).

Click image for larger version. 

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I am gobsmacked at how bloody nice this sporran is. I would like to publicly thank Drew at License to Kilt for his top notch communications and getting this out so quickly. Also thanks to L&M for such a beautiful sporran.