Anyone from ANY country is welcome to wear the kilt and should they choose to wear it around their arm pits or around their ankles is entirely their choice. I am delighted that those from ANYWHERE from around the world wish to wear the kilt to functions, or just because and if they wish to own umpteen dozen kilts, then so be it.
You ask why I am here. Well I suppose the long and short of it is because it pleases me. It also pleases me to help others who ask about aspects of kilt wearing that I may be able to assist with and if I might make so bold, I think that one or two here have benefited from my guidance. If people choose not to agree with me, well that is their choice. However if they choose to disagree in print on this website then it is preferable all round if the discussion is at least civil.
What I am not prepared to agree to is this. I will never agree to another Nation, ANY Nation, or persons from those nations, with or without Scots ancestry, claiming Scots National Attire as their own.
" Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.