Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
On the specific point of Scottish politics in general, past and present Colin . I really and genuinely think that you are drawing the wrong conclusions as far as the topic in this thread. It has nothing whatsoever to do with politics.
Quote Originally Posted by ThistleDown View Post
I agree.
Well, if one of the Mods agrees that the topic of this thread has nothing to do with politics, then I guess it is safe to ask a question without running afoul of Rule #5

Now, it is quite possible that I have forgotten some of what has been written in this very long, old thread, so I'm going to take this for another spin first. The contentious outlook of some residents of Scotland is that ONLY residents of Scotland with British citizenship are Scots and ought to wear the kilt. From this perspective, a proud, Gaelic, Cape Bretonner like Nathan (who I'm pretty sure doesn't mind me using him as an example) shouldn't be wearing a kilt because he has Canadian citizenship and can't even be considered a Scottish-Canadian; he is just a Canadian with some inconsequential background that happens to be Scottish, which doesn't mean he should granted the right to wear a kilt or if he is at least deigned to have that right, then he is seen as "playing at being a Scot." A naturalized immigrant to Scotland from Asia, however, is actually a true Scot and can wear Scotland's national attire with impunity because he is a British citizen and lives in Scotland.

If a Scot -- with the right to Scottish national attire -- is to be identified solely by place of residence and citizenship, without regard to history, heritage, culture, or ethnicity, then the demarcation appears to be made on geo-political lines. But both Jock and ThistleDown agree that this particular Scottish view on kilted "others" is not political? Or is it just that they don't believe this essentialist viewpoint has anything to do with the political issues, past or present, surrounding the sovereignty (or lack thereof) of Scotland as a nation?

I'm honestly confused, so hopefully someone still has the patience to explain