WOW, I am simply overwhelmed by the love and support here, it may not mean much to my daughter but it sure does to me and makes a difference.

Thank you all, it really is amazing how very real friendships can grow even over the internet.

I feel your love and comradeship and really appreciate it.

The good news is that my daughter, Tabitha returned to school today, she seemed happier tho' a little foolish for what she had done.
I believe it was a combination of stress from school and schoolwork, her time of month and then finally a father telling her to spend less time in front of the mirror with her hair (easy for me to say) and hurry for the school bus.

My wife has been amazingly strong and supportive as I struggled with "what have I done wrong" issues.

We live in Paradise here, in every way possible I believe we are blessed with the best environment for a child to grow up in.
But you know, all that is sometimes not enough, they have to make their own way and their own mistakes.

My eldest son tried to top himself once over a failed love affair, but with lots of love and effort from us and his church he has grown into a wonderful lad.

I would not like to be young again today, life is really tough for kids.

Thanks for your prayers, it is written : "the prayers of a righteous man availeth much". Prayer works, it has worked, thank you.

PS I'm back in a kilt today, more confident than ever.