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  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th May 12
    Mexico City 19.478002679608874; -99.26703895966341
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    Adventures in a Sport Kilt Contest

    Hello Guys,

    Sport Kilt announced the summer photo contest and its called Adventures in a Sport Kilt.

    They published like this:

    Show us what adventure means to you! Whether you're climbing mountains, camping in the wilderness, boating on the river, road-tripping across the land-- or simply trying out a daring new recipe on the grill-- wearing your Sport Kilt turns up the heat on adventure. It doesn't hurt that it's cool, comfy, and stylish, too

    I uploaded a picture where Im using my Sword and my Buckler in a sparring against one of my mates from my HEMA Group.

    Because of rules of the forum I cant upload the picture here, but its called Sword & Buckler Fight.

    We have a Jolly Roger Tartan and we are fighting with swords.

    Can you please be so kind to give me your votes? here is the link

    (Thanks CMcG)

    Thanks in advance I appreciate your help

    Last edited by Omar Zaragoza; 4th July 13 at 06:57 AM.
    [LEFT][B]Elite Fencing Club México[/B][/LEFT]
    [LEFT][I]Just[/I][I] for the Elite[/I]

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