Quote Originally Posted by tkdog View Post
Ahhhhh!! I can't take it anymore...it haunts and taunts me! I must have it :cthulhusmiley: (...and my wife just told me I could). I missed it the first time round, but this time it shall not pass (normally, I'd be worried about my lustful behavior, but in this company...well...not so much).

Rocky - please expect a call in the morning for a 5 yd kilt, plus however much additional fabric needed for a standard Wool Tartan Shawl (24" x 90").

artificer: That's got to worth at least 6-7 yards more for your count, but I have to wait for Rocky's math first.

What are your measurements? That affects how much cloth we need for a 5 yarder (most are between 5 and 6 yards). I'll need another 1.5 yards for the shawl.