I'm sure a lot of guys here have or would, if visiting Scotland, wear a kilt. And I'm of that mindframe as well (countdown is about 3weeks!) but my question is how prevelant is kilt wearing over there? I really don't want to come across as a Tourist who thinks Kilts are Quaint, etc.

My style is pretty contemporary - even with my traditional kilts:
boots (nothing heavy - just simple plain leather boot that matches the color of the sporran); boot socks or kilt socks slouched down. I don't wear flashes and i usually don't wear a belt but might bring one. I usually top it off with a T-shirt under a sweater or zippered sweatshirt. If i'm going more dressy i'll wear a button down shirt with a sweater, vest and/or jacket. I probably will be going for the more casual look while there.

If anyone has any experiences or stories or advice that'd be much appreciated. I don't want to be "that Tourist" and I also don't want to be seen as potentially offensive as I don't do the whole Traditional style. (I should note I'm not going the whole time kilted but do want to spend a good portion of the time in a kilt.)

Now to decide which Kilt to bring! I'm leaning towards my Maclean Ancient Hunting or Modern Hunting.... decisions. Decisions!

Thanks much,