Hey all, I'm getting ready to make a Jacobite-era coat for my get-up. After reading through the extensive and incredibly informative Jacobite Clothing thread, I've settled on a pattern from Reconstructing History: The 1740's Frock Coat. From what I understood in that thread, this would be considered an accurate style jacket for the Jacobite era, particularly the 1745 rebellion, albeit with the coat shortened up to the waist to accommodate the kilt. Is this correct? I also understood that this Waistcoat pattern from jas-townsend.com would be acceptable as well. Thoughts?
Now as for fabrics, I was thinking either wool or linen. I believe they are both historically correct, but does anyone recommend one over the other? And then as far as wool goes, I was looking around and found many different types of wool. I was looking at lightweight stuff, but even within that there's different types of wool, such as crepe fabric, twill, flannel, etc. Which is the right kind to use?