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  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th June 11
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    A feather, or not a feather?

    Okay, First off I would like to make it clear this is not about "Can I wear a feather in my cap?" .......I know better. Yes I can but it is very disrespectful and poor form. What I am however asking is, would it be generally acceptable to wear a feather with a kilt pin on the kilt? NOT using a clan badge as a kilt pin, but a very generic pin (non clan related) kilt pin?

    I was playing around with the old, what can I mash together and will look good, You all know, to maximize your wardrobe to its very limits. Being from MN we have Turkey's everywhere! And I have more than a few turkey feathers lying around the house for my "little Chattan Mascots" Tabby cats. I know I know. Not really the actual mascot. Anyhow I grabbed one of the feathers and placed it behind my kilt pin and with a weathered kilt.....it looks subtle yet very nice. Is this alright to wear in public is my question.......Or is wearing a feather with Highland attire, still, Your wearing a feather and do not hold proper office regardless of where the feather is located?
    Last edited by Kilted Cole; 29th July 13 at 09:57 PM. Reason: forgot a word.


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