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  1. #1
    Join Date
    1st November 10
    South America
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    Thicken your skin...develop a sense of humor...and just chill out.

    Over the past several days a number of posts in several threads have been rude, dismissive, and antagonistic. Comments made in jest have been taken literally, people have questioned other's right to wear a kilt to a particular function, or in a particular fashion, and some have implied the kilt only belongs to Scots, Highland Scots.

    People...get over yourselves. Until you buy my clothing don't try to tell me what to wear or when to wear it. Also, If you can't take a joke get a freakin' life.

    To the Scots: I love you guys, I really do...but you kicked us out of Scotland like your mangy, scurrilous, cur dog [and it seems some of you would like to continue treating us that way]... so be it! But...if I want to wear my kilt, I damn well will wear it, any way I want whenever and wherever I want... I don't need your permission, your blessing, or frankly your advice.

    If I knew years ago how you felt about diaspora Scot descendents I would never have spent a damn dime [quid or whatever] on 3 visits to Scotland.


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