Rob, I just recently received my first 8/16/wool kilt and that was my first impression as well (and, of course, I took out the basting stitches before putting it on). It has about 25 pleats that are approximately 3" deep and it is very heavy. The first time I wore it, it didn't seem to "swing" like my inexpensive acrylic kilt.

Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
As to the "swing", it all happens behind, so you will never actually see it! I can't say that when wearing the kilt, I ever notice anything "swishing" as I walk, others will of course and I suppose if you really need to re-assure yourself, then get a friend to take a film from behind as you walk.
I agree with Jock and as he said, get someone (I used my wife) to observe you from behind to evaluate the "swish". Turns out that the "swish" is just fine on mine, in fact better than the cheap kilt despite the fact that I don't necessarily feel it much.

I believe that this is because my new kilt was tailored for me (just as your kilt was for you) so it fits your waist and your hips. That means that the swishy part is most active below the hips (and therefore, not as noticeable). My cheap kilt is not tailored (doesn't fit as well, of course) so the pleat movement is felt much higher up and seems more active.
