Quote Originally Posted by Riverkilt View Post
As for changing her mind....humans are a difficult mammal to train....very difficult....
Only to the extent that laws tend to limit the choice of motivational tools available for the purpose.

My spouse was rather dubious about my choice to begin wearing kilts; she doesn't really dislike kilts, but she's shy in some ways and prefers to avoid attracting attention, especially when in public. Fortunately we respect one another enough to each tolerate the other making choices that we wouldn't have made ourselves. She accepted that kilts were important to me, and while she's still not enthusiastic about them, she doesn't object to me wearing them.

I don't know the usual 'ground rules' of your relationship (for example, do the two of you normally have significant regarding one another's mode of dress?) or what your personalities are like, so I am hesitant to offer advice, but to a great extent, Nathan is correct - you have to be who you are, and if being kilted matters a great deal to you, then your significant other should respect that.