Here are a couple of photos of me (a couple weeks ago) in my new Black Watch 5-yarder wool kilt.
Being new to kilt wearing, I'm still a bit self-conscious about things and would appreciate input from the rabble...

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Kilt1.jpg 
Views:	71 
Size:	84.9 KB 
ID:	14115Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Kilt2.jpg 
Views:	54 
Size:	97.2 KB 
ID:	14116

I'd also appreciate some advice... What color(s) of hose matches the Black Watch tartan? I don't mean to get all matchy-matchy, but I don't really think that Lovat blue or Lovat green would look especially "right" with this kilt, if you catch my meaning...but I'd rather not be trapped into only wearing black or navy blue kilt hose, either.

Is there a convention on what should match in a kilt outfit? Socks & shirt, shoes & belt, etc?

Oh, and that noble beast in my pictures is my faithful Scottish Deerhound mix, Jack.
