G'day all, Finally found out yesterday why my wife doesnt like me wearing a kilt. its not that she against the idea its the way the amerikilt fits me, or rather doesnt quite fit properly. when i put it on and belt it up the pleats taper too much out from my waistline as though my hips should be bigger which as she says that to her it looks too girly. we are waiting for the pattern for a traditional kilt to arrive and she is going to help me make a kilt that fits me properly. I stiil beleive that the amerikilt is a good kilt and that it is hard for michael to make a kilt that would be perfect for every buyer especially having not met most of us in person. I noticed in his measureing instructions that there is nowhere to state the difference between you waist and hip measurements maybe that would help. I also noticed with my measurements there is not much difference between my waist and hip measurents anyway meaning my kilt doesnt need taper much if at all.
Cheers Andrew