So the story begins, I'm dressed for working in the yard on a cool Autumn morning. Today I decided to wear my Heritage of Ireland kilt, brown leather accessories and bison hose and brown 8 inch lace-up boots. My wife and I are outside, enjoying the beautiful weather. My wife is a distributor for a hydroponic garden product, one of her rep's called and said she would be bring a potential client over to take a look at our tower gardens. My wife's rep shows up with her potential client, they come into the backyard and introductions are made when she looks over at me and says "nice skirt". I say nothing, because it is really not worth my time, my wife pops in with that I'm celebrating my heritage and wear a kilt any time I'm not at work.

My wife goes about showing and talking about the product and just keeps getting a negative response. Why this person even wanted to look at are garden, then just keep being negative is beyond me. She is a Native American who the whole time was talking about mother earth and her "Heritage". She was just disagreeing with my wife and telling her she was wrong and that the plants need the soil. My wife is a internationally certified arborist and a horticultural consultant. She and her sister are horticultural consultants specializing in the diagnosis of plant diseases. My wife has a bachelors degree in biology and her sister has a masters degree in horticulture. Anyway with someone so in tune with their heritage I just don't understand being so rude about mine.