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  1. #9
    Join Date
    3rd January 06
    Dorset, on the South coast of England
    1 Post(s)
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    I cycle a little these days - it is downhill in every direction from here so I tend to use the bike to go between home and the closest shops, post office and bank which is only slightly sloping. I used to have a racing bike, but I seem to have shrunk so I got a lady's bike with a frame 2 inches smaller and I can manage that - though only having three gears would be a killer if I tried any hills on it. The gears seem to be slow, slower and I could walk faster but that seems to alter going up hills and the top one becomes cardiac infarction alert really quickly. Something to do with my age I think.

    I have had a bike most of my life, starting with a red tricycle with a boot on the back. I suspect that it is one reason the medical people think that their blood pressure machines are broken when they use them on me. I just love it when a new nurse starts to lecture me on the ills being overweight will bring upon me and then finds out I have normal blood pressure and pulse rate - it is actually slightly lower than average when I am not being lectured about my weight...

    From my experience a short ride several times a week seems to be most beneficial.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:
    Last edited by Pleater; 2nd October 13 at 03:11 PM.


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