I've been reading the "food for Thought" threads and they did
make me think -- so they worked.

One point about headgear that is in some ways a problem is
that, based on impressions only, (which may well be wrong --
no umbrage need be taken... ) Scotland's weather seems
to run to cloudy, misty, anything but blazingly hot and sunny.
Living here in Australia, our Summer weather tends to the other
extreme and makes it nearly essential to protect one's head and
face from the rays.

Just what, if any headgear with a brim would be acceptable with
a kilt? It occurred to me that a Texas style hat probably wouldn't
do, not least because this isn't Texas. And I'm not too sure about
an Akubra style or a variation either. Jock, or others, just what
do Scots farmers wear on the days when it's sunny all day and
they're out working in the fields? Or shepherds, for that matter?

Might one of these styles be a reasonable compromise between
frying and offending tradition?

