So Im new Yay!
Ive been wearing kilts for only about a year now I actually made my first one. And unfortunately my Opa didnt live long enough to bring his kilt out and raise me wearing kilts. But i am now.
I am getting married in January and have come across a bit of a road block. Like many im don't have much money, so $200 kilt are not very easily in my budget especially since im also putting my grooms men in kilts. I really want to wear a great kilt but i need the fabric. Im of medium size so i will probably only need 4 or 5 yards but i still cant find any for a reasonable price. Well im sure there plenty reasonable but they are more than i can afford right now. So I was wondering if any one had any ideas My Tartan is Macmillan Hunting modern colors. If anyone can help i would love it.

As of right now im going to have three grooms men wearing black cargo kilts, my fiancee was the one who chose the cargo kilt look, its gong to be cool. Its going to be in Minnesota so it will be cold so if possible i going to try for something that isnt spring weight fabric.