Uptown Billiards is a Flagstaff AZ pub owned by James Jay, who is also a published poet and college poetry teacher, a wonderfully generous gentleman, and promoter of Celtic heritage. James has proclaimed Fridays throughout the winter to be "Kilted Fridays." If anyone is in the pub kilted then EVERYONE in the establishment gets Irish whisky for $3 a shot. And patrons tend to be thankful for the deal so if you're the only guy in a kilt they tend to buy drinks for you

So I brought the Quaich to Kilted Friday. Now James' co-worker Ian Anderson has memorized the toast found in lines 480-490 of the Old English epic Beowulf. So we filled the esteemed vessel with mead, Ian said the Beowulf toast and good times followed.
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In the picture above, from L to R : Ian Anderson (Utilikilt) me (Irish Saffron) and James Jay (Irish National). I wore the saffron that day because it was wicked cold and snowing outside, I had to walk a ways to the pub, and it's my warmest kilt outfit (matches that thick Scottish wool sweater and cap). We are standing in front of Uptown Pub's legendary collection of Single Malt Scotch and other whisky bottles.
Then my good friend and Celtic heritage aficionado Steve Robinson showed up.
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We refilled the Quaich with Paddy Whisky and enjoyed more good conversation and company.
I think the Kilted Friday crew at uptown showed her a good time.

So...I'm going to try hard to find someone in this part of the universe that might take the Quaich from here. If it's still here Saturday I will take it to the Saint Andrews celebration in town. Otherwise...it will be off in directions.

I've enjoyed having her in Flagstaff and hopefully she's enjoyed meeting local kilt wearers and attending jovial Gaelic events.