Last night at the gym I did an inventory of the shoulder movements that I can do without pain and those that caused a problem. I'm frustrated that the resting month, December, resulted in more rather than less discomfort. Thus, I'm returning to light weights and rom-focused exercises. The bottom line is that I can perform most movements except cross body moves. But there is a general stiffness on most movements, especially overhead press. I can do traps, bench rows, and rhomboid stuff without any problem. I think that some of the stiffness is from the lack of use over the past month; that will be remedied over the next several days. The discomfort is sufficiently acute that throwing is problematic. Stones are out for now; wfd is okay; hammer feels okay during the winds but feels worse afterwards. Caber and wob aren't a problem.
Yesterday I got an appointment for next Thursday with the best ortho doc in town and if there is a cancellation I'll see him sooner.
My amateur diagnosis is that it isn't a tear in either the muscle or the labrum because I'm not experiencing a loss of strength. I believe there is an impingement caused by calcium deposits near the point where the front deltoid attaches to the bone near the right side of my neck. I'll find out next week how accurate my self-diagnosis turns out to be. Whatever it is I want it fixed. Now.
This morning I went to the gym for the first good pull session since before Christmas. Worked up to a couple of sets at 275, along with more rom shoulder work, traps, bench row, hammer curls, abs, bike and elliptical. When I got home I jumped in the hot tub, followed by rolling the delt with a lacrosse ball against the wall, and ice.
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If you can't catch, don't throw[/FONT]