I was puzzled to discover, in cartoons dating from the second world war, that soldiers appear wearing khaki kilts - I had always supposed Scottish soldiers would wear tartan.

Looking for information on this subject, I see it was discussed some time ago on X-marks, but the thread is now closed.

I thought the attached illustrations might be of interest. The first is from the front cover of "The Broons" Annual of 1941, and shows Joe Broon kilted in khaki. [In case anyone has not met The Broons, they are the subject of a very long-running cartoon series in the Scottish "Sunday Post".] The second is a detail from one of the cartoons, first published 17th September 1939.

The discussion in the earlier thread seemed to imply that khaki kilts, or kilt covers, dated from an earlier period.

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Joe Broon 1.jpg 
Views:	47 
Size:	87.1 KB 
ID:	16259Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Broons Kilt 2.jpg 
Views:	88 
Size:	121.7 KB 
ID:	16258