Over six months ago, when Joan was in the hospital getting titanium hip #2 put in, I started on a kilt for Pastor Greg. Here's the original post.


Well, after having it sit...and sit.....and SIT... I finally started getting it out again. The pleats were done, as was the over-apron. This is what I've done in the past several days...

1. I had to "patch" together the inner-apron because there's so little fabric to work with. I wasn't happy with how I did it the first time, so I ripped it out and re-did it. It's by no means perfect, but the join is hidden 'way back under the over-apron so nobody will see it.
2. I put in the inner pleat/fell reinforcing band, and hand-stitched it in with three rows of stitches
3. put in the hair canvas stiffener under the overapron
4. made the liners and sewed 'em in
5. put in the waistband
6. made the belt loops and stitched in the top part..

Tonight, Joan is off at a Brazilian dance concert with a girlfriend who's from Brazil, so I'll have 3 hours at the house, solo. I figure to attach the bottom of the belt loops, finish fringing the right side of the over apron, get the buckles and straps in...and FINISH IT OFF.

With luck....LUCK, now....there should be pictures of the kilt 'round Greg bum, this Sunday.

It's an interesting piece of fabric. It's light, probably 10 ounce and it's technically not a tartan because the pattern running one way is not identical to the pattern running the other way. In fact, the pattern repeats every THREE "repeats" of the main, "apparent" sett. It's totally wierd. However, it will take a really sharp eye to notice that, the wool is really nice even if it is a bit lightweight, and the color scheme is basically, more-or-less Black Watch. Seeing as he has no Scottish connections whatsoever, this is probably an appropriate kilt for him!