In memorium
322 years ago, 38 men women and children were slaughtered in their beds on a cold winter night in Glencoe after extending Highland hospitality to Argyll soldiers from the Garrison at Fort William. Although 38 MacDonalds were slain by the soldiers, many more perished from the elements as they fled the massacre in the snow.
Much ink has been spilled about the politics and blame, about who knew and who gave the orders and whether they should have been followed or about the oath and the choices of old Mac Ian of Glencoe.
This thread is not about any of that. I ask you to please respect that and the forum rules about politics.
It's not about the Argylls, or Glenlyon, or MacIan or Dalrymple or King William or Breadalbane. Nor is it about Duncanson or the Master of Stair. It's all been written and it's all been said.
It's not about Clan Campbell versus Clan Donald or Jacobites or Roman Catholics or Covenanters.
This thread is simply about remembrance.
Remembrance of the suffering of innocents who paid the price for political decisions made on their behalf. Remembrance of those who were murdered under trust because of the ambitions, rivalries and machinations of great men and remembrance of the tradition of Highland hospitality that died with them that night.
Please leave the hatchets buried in the bog and leave the blame game for another day on another forum.
This day, simply... remember them.
Last edited by Nathan; 13th February 14 at 10:49 PM.
Natan Easbaig Mac Dhòmhnaill, FSA Scot
Past High Commissioner, Clan Donald Canada
“Yet still the blood is strong, the heart is Highland, And we, in dreams, behold the Hebrides.” - The Canadian Boat Song.