I've been meaning to post this for a while, but haven't gotten around to it yet. I'll be honest - I've been trying to pad my posts so that I could get a saltire! That doesn't leave much time for long, thought-out posts!

Treasure Valley Celtic Fest:

The main thing I want to comment on is the variations of kilts that I saw. I saw a bunch of tanks (mysteriously looking brand new), some utilikilts, and even some horrible stuff pretending to be kilts. Although I didn't get to see any blankets duct taped around the waist, I did get to see a plaid blanket that was belted to look like a great kilt. Word of advice here: if you're going for the great kilt look, don't use a fleece blanket; it's a dead giveaway!

I also saw a few instances of guys wearing Catholic school girl uniforms pretending they were kilts. Go figure that the guy with the worst looking one (so short is was almost obscene) was hanging out with blanket kilt man.

However, there were some incredible looking traditional hand-sewn kilts there. One guy had a modern Gordon kilt that was pleated to the stripe. When those yellow stripes were swinging, everyone noticed! My sister kept commenting about it every time we saw the guy.

I did end up talking to that guy for a while. I was interested in where he got his kilt, because the quality was so good. It was from the Scottish Lion, which is making me consider them big time. Anyway, he told me that he wanted another kilt, but then he said, "Why would I need two kilts?" Without even thinking I said, "So you can interchange them thoughout the week." He looked at me like I was crazy. "You mean you wear yours all the time?" "Yeah, that's what clothes are for."

It made me realize how glad I am for this board. Because of the guys here, I don't even think of my kilt as just a "special occasion" type of deal. It's just clothes. The best clothes ever, but still just clothes.

Of course, I forgot to print out XMarks cards to hand out, and cards for kilt makers. Obviously, a lot of the guys there could have used them.

I also got to find out more about clans, and am now considering joining Clann Gunn or Clan Cian (an Irish clan that two of the Wicked Tinkers are in.) It just seems like the right thing for me to do, especially after talking to Todd. Thanks Todd!

So, that's my update on the festival. I still haven't heard back from the Wicked Tinkers, so no news about the video. I'll let you know when I find out though.