Gents and Ladies!

I'm still very much a newbie here, and here's a newbie question.

First, as to protocol: This seems to be a very cordial and polite forum, and I want to be a good member, so if I'm stepping on protocol here, just let me know, ok? But I trust that as compatriots here, I can post some live auctions without fear of getting poached - or if I'm poaching on one you are already stalking, you will tell me?

Second, as to eBay Kilts: So I saw the thread on eBay stalking, and I did some stalking! I'm a novice at Kilts but a long time eBay user - so I'm comfortable buying "stuff" that I know about - (bought the car I'm driving on eBay!), I just need some guidance on eBay kilts!

What am I looking for? Being of a uh.... shall we say, "Thrifty" nature, I'd love to be able to get something "nice", and of a caliber at least worth wearing, without paying the full freight. At least something I could use as a starter, before investing in a quality made-to-order kilt. I'm not hung up on "modern" vs. "traditional" - my preference is leaning toward traditional, but not necessarily strictly so.

So I'm seeing plenty of Pakistan "kilts" and I'm not even looking at those. I'm also seeing things like Sportkilts and Utilikilts and such where the seller is asking about what they sell for new, so I'm passing on those.

Here's a couple that are somewhat intriguing to me. Your thoughts or impression would be MOST Appreciated!

(1) "The Kilt - Kilt - size 42"
Sent seller a question he answered quickly. This about 1" shy on my waist and about 1" long, so I'm thinking its wearable with a bit of diet and Maybe just a bit of alteration (or no alteration at all).
But - I've never heard of this brand. Its not wool - he says its 65% viscose rayone, 35% acetate fibre?
He describes the colors as "yellow, red, black" - so is it Wallace, maybe?
Current price is highly appealing - IF its worth having!

(2) "Kilt, 5 yard, Heritage of Scotland Tartan"
Auction describes it as "custom made", "unbranded" and "wool blend materials with leather buckles".
This one is said to be 40 x. 24 - so a couple inches snug in the waist and maybe and inch long at the knee.
What would you ask the seller?
Thoughts on this kilt?

(3) "Black Watch Kilt Wool Size"
This might be a retired rental/hire kilt? Definitely a lot bigger and longer than I am, so it definitely would have to be altered. Is that a nightmare, or not a big deal?
J. Higgins is a name I've seen before - would you consider them a good maker?
It is 100% wool, but they also admit some wear.
Do any particular questions or concerns come to mind?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be most appreciated!