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Thread: eBay Advice?

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    19th October 09
    South Carolina
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    Having recently listed and sold three jackets at very very good prices, I was a little surprised to see no mention of them here. I may have missed it, but I did look. There was surprisingly little bidding action, too. Two of them were wool PCs in average sizes. One sold for $52 plus shipping and one sold for $86. My listings are pretty obviously the work of someone who has a day job. Had someone discovered one of my listings and clicked " see seller's other items" they would have seen the rest and they could have seen that I am not running some cheap goods factory outlet.

    I agree with Tulloch- proceed with caution. But, if you have done a little research and educated yourself a little bit, don't be afraid to risk $50 or so.

    One more thing: for you younger members, inflation is likely to be a lifelong condition. That is, we are not likely to see the return of the nickel Coca-cola, or the $2 kilt hose. If you do make a long term purchase, no matter how big the ticket is, you will probably live long enough to marvel at how little it cost when you were just a lad.*

    * unfortunately, you may also have occasion to marvel at how much it shrank in your closet.
    Last edited by MacLowlife; 18th April 14 at 12:08 PM. Reason: spellahge
    Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife

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