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Thread: Kilts in Hawaii

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  1. #1
    Panache's Avatar
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    Kilts in Hawaii

    My family and I had the opportunity to visit some very dear friends on the island of Oahu over the children's Spring Break. Neither I nor my Flame-Haired Celtic Amazon Goddess had ever visited the tropics before but I was given the friendly advice before we left the mainland that neither wool clothing nor ties would be very suitable in the islands.

    I brought two kilts (a Sport Kilt in the California tartan, and one my lovely and talented F-H.C.A.G. made in the XMTS tartan from the last PV run). I limited myself to only one belt and one sporran. My light A_Hay Pictish boar sporran is one I use during the hot weather and its design had a tribal feel I thought might go well with Hawaiian/Polynesian garb. Since Aloha shirts are the norm I decided to embrace them and see if I could come up with some outfits that worked. Whether or not I was successful is up to you to decide, but I had a lot of fun, felt very comfortable, and got an awful lot of compliments and shaka signs when I wore my kilts.

    So here are a few photos

    "Underneath the banyan tree
    Me honey and me can watch for the moon
    Underneath the banyan tree
    Me honey and me make boolooloop soon"

    (To Paraphrase Mr. J. Bond and Miss H. Ryder)

    Of course it goes without saying that kilts and lovely brews go hand in hand

    This is what we wore to visit the Honolulu branch of the RSCDS for a night of Scottish Country dancing. I really like this outfit and the balance between the Hawaiian elements (the Aloha shirt and makau necklace) and the Pictish design of the sporran and the colors of the XMTS tartan.

    Me wearing a slightly more sedate outfit with a friend

    The rainforest was very humid but I was quite comfortable in my Sportkilt. Thank goodness for my Empire Canvas Works safari jacket as it started pouring rain soon after the last photo was taken!

    Family shot (to show that we brought Sinbad and Xena after all! )

    Wearing tartan and Hawaiian prints is a bold look I'll grant you, but sometimes it is fun to go big and play with colors and patterns. I also think Life is too short to not enjoy it and have fun.


    Last edited by Panache; 6th May 14 at 07:05 PM.
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

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