Indianapolis Colts Select Mewhort
I don't usually take an interest in American NFL but my attention was drawn to the selection by Indianapolis Colts of one Jack Mewhort, a distant relative, a descendent of my great grandfather's brother. The three brothers sailed from Ireland about 1840. Two of them settled in Ohio, while my great grandfather returned to Ireland where he married and started a family. They moved to Scotland about 1880. After he died in 1913 his widow, four sons and daughter all emigrated to Canada, except my maternal grandfather who stubbornly refused to go to Canada with the rest of his family. Several of my cousins settled on Vancouver Island. By co-incidence a descendent of one of the brothers who went to Ohio now also lives on Vancouver Island.
Jack played left tackle at Ohio State but is expected to slide in at right guard for Indianapolis. Jack also has the ability to possibly line up at centre.
Now I have an excuse to follow Indianapolis Colts!
Last edited by cessna152towser; 16th May 14 at 10:08 AM.
Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.