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  1. #6
    Join Date
    5th November 08
    Marion, NC
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    Quote Originally Posted by KSmedic View Post
    Is there a difference in when the various types of pleating would be used? I'm mainly wondering if one type is considered more formal than another, or if it's really just a matter of whatever the wearer prefers and/or the whim of the kiltmaker.
    No, pleating style does not determine fomality of the kilt. The whims of the kiltmaker shouldn't be a factor in a bespoke kilt; each detail should be chosen by the (knowledgable) customer. Kiltmakers who have retail shops (like Rocky and Steve) are free to make kilts however they choose, in hopes that someone will buy them, but if the kiltmaker is making a custom kilt just for you, then he or she will work with you to make exactly the kilt you want.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

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