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View Poll Results: Are full mask sporrans passe?

74. You may not vote on this poll
  • Never! They are as handsome, traditional and versatile as ever.

    61 82.43%
  • Yes. People need to stop wearing taxidermy as clothing.

    13 17.57%
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  1. #11
    Join Date
    6th February 10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    What is the year of print on that K-A book?

    As Kyle rightly points out (he's so good at that!), there's plenty of proof in the proverbial pudding that full-mask sporrans are still very much in use in Scotland, and worn by many a distinguished fellow. It's possible that the writers at K-A were injecting personal opinions into their advertisements. And even if they truly believed this to be the case, they should be flogged for the poor business decision of advertising a product but telling people it's not a good idea to buy it.

    Personally, I like full-mask sporrans when done tastefully. I approach them about the same as Scott, in terms of taste. I'm very picky about the shape and size of them. I've been trying to get one made (from various hides I have), but keep striking out for various reasons. But even if I didn't personally like them, it would still be on stylistic grounds, not based on any sort of anti-fur sentiment. I guess I'm not "civilised" enough to oppose using fur, as long as it's responsible and humane.
    The book was published on St. Andrew's Day 2013. I too have a copy, and a while back, Nathan had brought to my attention that particular part of the book in regards to full mask sporrans. I obviously missed it as I initially skimmed through the pages when it first arrived. Whereas I am quite fond of Kinloch Anderson and their products, I completely disagree with the statement regarding full mask sporrans. Perhaps this was an area of the book that was overlooked, or simply the personal opinion of the author. Either way, the book itself is a wonderful read and exceptionally laid out.

  2. The Following User Says 'Aye' to creagdhubh For This Useful Post:


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