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View Poll Results: Are full mask sporrans passe?

74. You may not vote on this poll
  • Never! They are as handsome, traditional and versatile as ever.

    61 82.43%
  • Yes. People need to stop wearing taxidermy as clothing.

    13 17.57%
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  1. #11
    Join Date
    5th July 11
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCAC View Post
    Leather could also be connected to animal cruelty, at least as much as fur, and very few people have problems with leather.

    By the way, I voted resolutely FOR full mask sporrans and am actually in the process of ordering one from Kate MacPherson.
    This is justified by some by saying that leather is a byproduct of the meat and dairy industries whereas the popularity of fur caused the widespread trapping and killing of animals only for their pelts. You also get a lot more leather from a cow than you get fur from a mink. These were some of the talking points used to dissuade the use of fur in the textiles industry and to encourage the use of faux fur.

    The campaign was largely effective. An acquaintance of mine who was a furrier in Scotland had to close his business as sales declined. He moved to Canada and makes his living as a pub musician now.

    Certainly Kate MacPherson's sporrans would stand up to strict scrutiny since the animals used for her sporrans were never trapped, hunted or killed specifically to make sporrans. Her sporrans are fashioned from road kill, or nuisance animals shot by farmers etc...

    She does fine work and I look forward to seeing the results, BCAC!
    Last edited by Nathan; 30th May 14 at 09:59 AM.
    Natan Easbaig Mac Dhòmhnaill, FSA Scot
    Past High Commissioner, Clan Donald Canada
    “Yet still the blood is strong, the heart is Highland, And we, in dreams, behold the Hebrides.” - The Canadian Boat Song.

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