X Marks the Scot - An on-line community of kilt wearers.
View Poll Results: Are full mask sporrans passe?
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Never! They are as handsome, traditional and versatile as ever.
Yes. People need to stop wearing taxidermy as clothing.
30th May 14, 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by CMcG
There's no need to take my comments personally, BCAC. I took some pains to indicate that they represent my views and that I support whomever wants to wear full mask sporrans. I'm not condemning them, but rather suggesting that KA has a valid point in some contexts. Hopefully you will report back to us once you get yours and have some experience wearing one...
As for defining all kilt-wearers as people who categorically don't care what other people say, you are painting a diverse community with too broad a brush. You're right that some people don't give a fig, but that is not a requirement for wearing the kilt. I personally care very much about how others perceive my clothing because of the way it signifies a variety of meanings. This is especially true when I am wearing the traditional attire of my ancestors and would prefer to avoid looking archaic. Just because people used to wear something does not make it eternally the ideal choice. Examples of the gradual changes in Highland attire abound: flintlocks, basket-hilt swords, great kilts, etc.
Finally, sure a cantled fur sporran is just as dead as a full mask, but they are not the same in appearance. One of them can still stare at you
Colin, Nathan posted earlier that he really believes in animal conservation and has no ethical qualms about the source of the pelt on his sporran but it gives him pause to consider the unspoken message that he may be sending.
If I have understood your stance on this subject, then it probably is not far off the same as Nathan's?
What I'm trying to say (awkwardly) is that by wearing a full mask sporran, I'm not trying to send any message at all (other than the fact that I like full mask sporrans).
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