Originally Posted by
An interesting point about being removed from the land. That said, I didn't see you vote, Jock! Should I count you among the anti-mask vote? Did I read on another thread that you personally only wear your black McRostie day sporran even for evening wear?
No I did not vote, as I just see the full mask sporran as rather unnecessary these days, I am not against them------I am a "Huntin', Shootin', Fishin' type" after all------- but they are not for me.
I have owned/worn several full mask and fur sporrans in my time all handmedowns and are probably quite valuable, but in truth I cant say that I was ever happy wearing them. So, about thirty years ago I "recycled" them(fur sporrans) amonst my sons and have worn my trusty black leather McRostie for nearly all kilted events since. Having said that, I am still looking for a non fur dress sporran that I like and I am willing to pay quite a lot of money for it, but thus far the thirty year search still continues*.
*See: "Jocks New Sporran" thread in my old threads.
Nathan. I will have a go answering the "social" aspect you raise in another post in this thread, perhaps tomorrow, as I am a wee tad tied up today.
" Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.