Gezz, Kyle! Pick a difficult topic, why don't you, man!
My primary claim to Highland lineage is through my farher's mother (Shaw).
My father's paternal line (Colbert [we pronounce the "t"]--we are not French and the French name is derrived from the Scottish one, not vice-versa) is earliest found in Galloway and the name is derrived from the name "Cuthbert." The name is also found in Ireland and England, it should be noted, but the earliest instances, even spelled the way that we spell it, are certainly found in Modern Scotland (it was the Kingdom of Northumbria then). There was no "Scot" land at the time but many peoples.
As you know I wear the Robertson Hunting tartan mainly. My maternal grandmother was a Robertson. I love the sett. It's gorgeous.
If I were to go back I'd maybe just the Shaw tartan and be done with it. I bought it during a time that I was researching my maternal geneology and was going through some deep, personal growth and the women in my life were strong anchors for me. The women in our family are all tough, independent, fiercely loyal, hearty women with whom one does not meddle unless at one's peril. They are have the blood of the Gael, the Cherokee, and the Normans coursing through their veins.
I was caught up in the romanticism of this then-unexplored lineage. Now that the emotion has calmed, I certainly don't have buyers' remourse, as it were, but feom time-to-time I do think about 'switching.' I am a bit cinflicted here but I think, in the end, I'm probably seriously over-thinking and should be grateful to be able to afford any kilt(s) at all.
I have a nice Holyrood that I've not worn since my Robertson arrived last year...
Do what thou wilt, friend of mine. You'll get no judgement from me.
(Apologies for the length, but it seemed necessary to help, my friend.)