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  1. #1
    Join Date
    18th December 11
    San Francisco Ca.
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    Loch Lomnd musical duo

    This post is directed mainly to our friends in Scotland and very possibly Nathan of Cape Breton. Or certainly anyone that has heard this duo.
    The maritime museum at which I work, will be having a sea music festival again in the fall. One day a month for 3 months. Each time with different artists. The duo scheduled to appear on Saturday Oct. 18 is comprised of Lindsey Aitken and Ken Campbell. The release put out by the park says that they play a full repetoire of scottish music. Does anyone on here know this duo and what are your thoughts. It sounds like it could make for a very interesting kilt night.
    The concert will be held in the shelter deck of the 1886 square rigged ship Balclutha built in Glasgow.
    I can, of course, provide particulars should anyone want to attned the concert.

    my apologizes for missing the o in Lomond
    Last edited by sailortats; 3rd July 14 at 05:29 PM.
    proud U.S. Navy vet

    Creag ab Sgairbh


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