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  1. #13
    Join Date
    15th February 12
    Seymour , Indiana
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    I will have to say that I'm not a fan of this tartan regardless of it's intended use .

    I would think that a designer charged with making a tartan for Team Scotland should be a bit more objective . If you read the article ( which I will post the link below ) , it is somewhat telling that she designed it to promote a female perspective , especially when you read her opening comments .

    Absolutely nothing wrong with that , although , Team Scotland is both female and male . You will notice when she was asked about it being " feminine " , she claimed it was a "unisex " tartan ... that is probably debatable especially if an honest poll was conducted .

    Please don't misunderstand ... in today's world , I do understand someone wanting to design a unisex tartan for Team Scotland ( not necessary but I understand it ) . However , it would appear that she went with a bias that she justified by calling it " unisex " rather than being objective about it .

    My only point is ... if one is going to design a tartan for Team Scotland then be objective about it and go to the female and male athletes with some options / ideas / samples and get their input instead of a fashion designer's subjective idea .... after all , it will become their tartan .

    I know the media reports that the team likes it .... of course that's to be expected but probably not entirely true ( what else can the team say without being controversial ) .

    As someone who is involved in architectural design , we certainly design the end product to be acceptable to the customer ( whether that is a single individual or a group of people ) . We do not come up with a " monument " to ourselves and suggest it on others . Of course , I understand the fashion world operates a bit differently .

    At any rate , my apologies for the long post / rant , just thought this selection of a tartan for Team Scotland was a bit one sided .

    Cheers , Mike

    The article :
    Mike Montgomery
    Clan Montgomery Society , International

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