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  1. #11
    Join Date
    19th October 09
    South Carolina
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    I have enjoyed this, but I keep thinking of an expression that I believe originated in French- "to be more Catholic than the Pope"

    It may not mean what it seems to in French, but I think it applies here somehow, where people gather to spend hunks of their lives talking about kilts- to some a garment, to others a symbol of heritage, to others still a National Costume, to others a National Dress.

    This is not really the place to come if you want people to tell you to be casual- after all, this is a forum for people who don't merely wear kilts- they meet and discuss them, too. Since we frequently make comparisons, can anyone here imagine going to a web forum on jeans or sneakers? I am sure they exist and I expect the people there are similarly disinclined to be casual about, um... casual footwear.

    As for Clans, Clan Lowlife is sort of like the Procrastinators' Club- we are constitutionally unsuited for gathering and organizing. But we love to watch others do so.

    I have been a traveler and I have been on tours, but professional exposure to tourists has made me work hard to avoid that label. I doubt seriously that it did any good, but I did try.
    Remember the old game of Sum, Es, Est?
    I am a citizen of the world
    You are away from home
    He is a tourist
    Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife

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