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  1. #17
    Join Date
    10th December 06
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    9 Post(s)
    0 Thread(s)
    Take a look at the 1 kilt 10 looks thread here:
    You will notice that Jamie is wearing a Sherrifmuir Doublet in his last photo, the White tie shot, the rest of the dressier shots, under White and Black tie level, utilize the argyll jacket. There is a reason Jamie and I both wore our different argyll jackets, and that is simply because it is the most versatile kilt jacket on the market. One other thing to consider and something I caution new kilt wearers about is the dangers of mixing formalities. Like the ongoing thread on wearing diced hose with day wear I would say in most every case the best thing to do is to conform to one level of formality at a time.

  2. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to McMurdo For This Useful Post:


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