What is the veiw of non clergy wearing a clergy tartan? I am not ordained. I am a devout Christian. My wife and I are actively involved in mutiple ministries. I have no issue with being identified in connection with the Faith in any way. I have no issues talking to people about Jesus, answering questions about Biblical Faith, and no issues praying with people on request. I am not ashamed of the Gospel. I also have no quarrell assisting other ministers in ministry tasks. In fact in my daily walk as well as at Festivals I am always hoping God will open an opprotunity for me to be useful.

I was concidering ordering a clergy tartan kilt for myself, and a clergy kilted skirt for my wife. She may warm up a little to the idea of kilt type activities if she believes there is a ministry related statement involved. I'm not trying to manipulate my wife. I just know she may be receptive to the idea, and we've both discussed that the tartan looks appealing.

However I do not want to dishonor anyone who has taken the extra step of ordination if this tartan is kind of reserved just for them.