I, being of a very frugal background, fill my freezer all summer with the fishes I catch all summer, the froglegs and crawfish I harvest are a nice bonus. I keep a garden to supply my summer table, and to put up what I cannot eat for winter... I hunt when permits allow (rabbit stew keeps the garden growing) this also stocks the freezer for the winter and if it's a good season I have meat for the spring and summer. I waste almost nothing, the pelts get sold, as do the carcasses. Sausage, Jerkey, roasts and whatnot.
If I had more yard space I would raise some chickens but since I live in a fairly well-heeled area I think they might irritate the neighbors.
I make my own ale, mead and hard cider.
I am in the minority these days I suppose, but I like living simply, and off what I can grow/harvest/hunt/catch.
This keeps me in decent shape nutrition-wise... Long walks and running in summers and shoveling all winter keep me fit above the physical demands of my job.
Healthy living keeps my kilts fitting nicely and with the cost of these buggers, and I plan on keeping them fitting as such.
"Everything is within walking distance if you've got the time"