There was a "snippet" in the Montgomery County section of the paper on October 7th, about the Green Lane Highland Games... and a mention and picture of USAKilts.

Unfortunately, there's no picture or mention of Kelly again, so you'll just have to keep using your imaginations. Put Jillian Barberie in a kilt, and you pretty much have it.

Here's the text from the "snippet":

The kilt is a historic symbol of Scottish identity and, for Scottish Americans, it remains a link to their heritage. That was evident at the recent Highland Games in Green Lane Park, where competitors and pipe bands sported the tartan. Some of the kilts may have come from a nearby source: USAKilts in Audubon, whose owners outfit pipe bands and other participants in Scottish traditions, along with people with an interest in their family tartans.

The picture of the event is below: