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  1. #1
    Join Date
    3rd November 13
    Flemington Nj 08822
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    shirt/tee colors to wear with kilts

    What is the rule or the right thing to wear with kilts ? Do I try to buy shirts that match the colors on your kilt ? Or can u wear a color that isn't on your kilt but still looks good ? I have a Wallace Red Modern, Spirit of Scotland, Dark Shadow Island on Black Tartan, Royal Stewart, and Shaw... Luckily I have a multi color range of tee shirts, but long manly dark earth tones. I just have seen pictures of people wearing checkered shirts, or greys with kilts with no grey in them.. also if there is a dark color on kilt can u wear a lighter color of it ? Also like my Royal Stewart from a distance looks like there is brown so could I wear brown ? Red and brown go..also it looks like there is a lavender color where the blue goes over the red can a lavender shirt go too ? .. The black kilt is easy..black goes w every thing lol... I've seen so many different colors and multi color shirts or shirts that are worn that color isn't on the kilt.. Not sure if its a silly question but had to ask ..... Angie
    Last edited by Angela Kaye Bodine; 19th August 14 at 06:03 AM.


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