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  1. #20
    Join Date
    13th September 04
    California, USA
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    While this thread is open (still waiting to hear from the mods), anybody can work up a design and put it in here!

    Regarding the green stripe, one of our august members, one of the very few of us who've actually seen a Wildcat, let us know that the animals eyes are in fact yellow. Thus the replacement of the green stripe with yellow.

    Please, when suggesting design ideas or submitting your own, let's all try to avoid accusations aimed at others about them personally, or their designs. Suggestions like "maybe you should look at some pictures of Wildcats" isn't terribly helpful. Of course, McMurdo has referred, repeatedly to photographs of the cats as he's worked on the various designs. If McMurdo's design concepts aren't your concepts, it doesn't mean that he's an A.) bad man B.) blind C.) totally ignoring the cats themselves D.) out to pad his own ego.

    come on, folks...let's try to be kind to each other as we work through this. We've already had one growling session, lets not have another one!

    Orionson, in fact Andrew Elliott Weavers is my next contact. After that I have one more "small" weaver, and then I'll try Marton Mills. After that, House of Edgar. After that, N. Bately. If none of those will do it, then I'll try the mill in British Columbia that Gordon Kirkbright runs as a last resort since they're not in the UK.

    And if none of them want to do it, I don't know what to say!!
    Last edited by Alan H; 2nd September 14 at 01:15 PM.

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