Quote Originally Posted by Java View Post
I'm bumping this thread, because I think it could be very useful, and I want to see it survive. For instance; I need some boots. I live in the middle of nowhere, so I can't just wrap on a kilt and go shopping for them. If it can't be bought at Wal-Mart, it has to be mail ordered. Do I want 10" jump boots? The Life-in-a-kilt looks great in them, but he's about 6'14" tall. Are my legs too short for them to look good? Am I too fat to pull off the look? How about 8 eyelet Docs? Are they too short?(how can we not have a "Boot" thread stickied?) Yes, I'm too old to care what people think of me, but I want to respect the kilt. I think this thread would be great for that kind of question, because the title of the thread screams "Picture Thread". Now we contemporary kilt wearers need to get on the stick and post some pictures! Many thanks to Mael, and the others that have posted pictures. I promise I'll post some soon.......
I like my 14 eyelet Doc Marten boots. I'm 6'2" and I don't think they're too tall.

They're the only footwear I wear with my utility kilts but I also wear them frequently with my tartan kilts, mostly when I'm wearing a tee shirt.

I don't have a good photo of those boots with my tartan kilt, but here they are, back when they were still pretty new, with my utility kilt.

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	blackkilt.jpg 
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Size:	171.4 KB 
ID:	21932

Now days I tend to wear my hose a bit more bunched up than that and my boots are definitely more beat up.

I also have an old pair of 8 eyelet Docs which I occasionally wear with my tartan kilts, especially when I'll be outdoors on my feet a lot and I'm going casual but not quite combat boot casual. With the short boots, I prefer to wear my hose traditionally. Here I am at Disney Land wearing them.

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	MrRabbit.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	218.5 KB 
ID:	21933

I don't know how the hose would look scrunched down with these boots. I've never tried. Again, I'd probably only wear them scrunched down if I were wearing a tee shirt or some such.