I had the opportunity to travel home to Nova Scotia to the Clan Donald Canada AGM with my father this September. The weather was fantastic and I had a marvellous time indeed.
The trip began at the AGM in Truro. I don't have any photos from the Friday night kitchen ceilidh because I was too busy playing to snap photos, but here are a couple from the Saturday Night dinner. Incidentally, I was duly elected as the Deputy High Commissioner of Clan Donald Canada at the AGM.
A piper is always necessary
Dad and I.
Dress was all over the map but most of the gents were in black tie.
After we left the AGM in Truro, we met up with some distant cousins for brunch in New Glasgow and headed North East. We stopped along the Shore Rd.at Knoydart to visit the Battle of Culloden Cairn. The two plaques explain how the cairn happened to be built there.
More pics to follow...